ITAC Rebate Permits

A rebate of duty is provided on some products not produced domestically, not produced in required specifications or quantities. The rebate exempts the products from either Customs duties, safeguard duties, or anti-dumping duties.

To import under the applicable rebate requires an ITAC rebate permit for the specific products.

The average period for issuing an ITAC permit is 14 working days. However, practically it takes fewer days if there is no problem with the application.

Many products are eligible for import under rebate. These include steel products (which has over 100 temporary rebates in place), pineapples, aluminium bars, rods and profiles, digital smart cards, hot rolled steel, stainless steel fasteners, flat-rolled steel, bulk tomato paste, bone-in chicken among many others.

To create a new rebate provisions takes 6 – 12 months. The process of creating a new rebate is generally similar to the process of any duty change application. Click here to find out about the process.

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