
With cutting edge knowledge and experience in trade matters, we help clients navigate the complexities of anti-dumping duties.

Are you impacted by existing anti-dumping duties? We can help you manage the risks and maximise the opportunities associated with the increasing regulation of international trade.

Sunset reviews

Anti-dumping duties are imposed for a 5-year period. Towards the end of the 5-year period a sunset review is to determine if an anti-dumping duty is still necessary. At the end of the process, the duty is maintained, revised or terminated.

A sunset review investigation will initiate after domestic manufacturers or producers of the subject products submit an application to ITAC.

Want to know upcoming sunset review investigations in 2020 and 2021? Click here.

The advantage of participating in sunset reviews is that, each exporter cooperating in the sunset review will have its own anti-dumping duty calculated. This means anti-dumping duties will be different between cooperating exporters. Some exporters will end up with a no anti-dumping duty, lower anti-dumping duty or higher anti-dumping duty. No anti-dumping duty is imposed on cooperating exporters found not dumping.

A countrywide anti-dumping duty (or residual duty) is imposed on all non-cooperating exporters. This means an exporter who is not dumping but does not cooperate with the sunset review may unnecessarily end up with a residual anti-dumping duty.

New shipper review (New exporter review)

Exporters that did not export to South Africa during the original anti-dumping investigation maybe exempted from existing anti-dumping duties by applying for a new shipper review.

The process allows ITAC to determine if the new exporter is dumping or not. An anti-dumping duty is not imposed if there is no dumping. Without a new shipper review, the countrywide anti-dumping duty applies to new exporters.

Interim review

Significantly changed circumstances in the exporting company are grounds for reviewing the existing anti-dumping duty only for the specific exporter.

This review is also known as a changed circumstances review is an option for companies that already have their own anti-dumping duty calculated from a previous anti-dumping investigation.

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